
人气指数:46 页面更新时间:2016-07-18 14:44

  nixon手表是一九九七年创建的,在充满竞争力的手表市场上成名立就,展现它独有的个性,其工艺技术不断完善,不断的创新,Nixon 注重提高手表的品质,于是开始少量生产只在专用 boardsport 和时装零售店出售的定制手表,但由于很多运动员、摇滚明星和铁杆粉丝都佩戴 Nixon 手表,从而将其推向更广阔的世界,该品牌的客户已遍布世界各地。

  We make the little shit better. The stuff you have that isn't noticed first, but can't be ignored. We pay attention to it. We argue about it. We work day and night to make the little shit as good as it can be, so when you wear it, you feel like you've got a leg up on the rest of the world.

  We believe that you warrant a lot of respect. When you choose to wear a watch, put on your headphones, or select a wallet to hold your hard earned cash, you deserve to have something that reflects your entire package. You may not know how to say it, but you've got something to say and you can't slap on an off-the-shelf piece and consider yourself you. That's why in ’98 we started Nixon and that's why all these years later, we're still here.

  Nestled comfortably against the Pacific Ocean in Southern California and with offices tucked neatly next to some of the best spots in Europe, Australia, and Asia you'll find Nixon people doing what we do. We make accessories to reflect who we are and the life we live. We travel all corners of the globe to experience life and it is through these explorations, the people we meet and the journey to get there that takes shape in the things we create.

  It started as a frustration at a lack of quality watches that simultaneously do the talking for you and has since grown into a group of athletes, rock stars, retailers, and dedicated loyalists that bring Nixon products to market. Fueled by adventures far and wide and often sometimes by those that happen just down the street we deliver products that meet your needs in various high-stress work and play environments. It is through our dedicative team’s perspectives that we contribute to a single unified expression: team-designed, custom-built accessories for a life well lived. Welcome to Nixon.


  (888) 455-9200

  Monday - Thursday


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